Sportech chairman Roger Withers to step down
Sportech announces that Roger Withers is to retire and will be stepping down from his position as Chairman and from the Board on 24 May 2017 following the company’s Annual General Meeting (“AGM”). At the same time, Sportech is pleased to announce that Richard McGuire, who is currently a Non-Executive Director, will be appointed Chairman.
Ian Penrose, Sportech’s Chief Executive commented: “I would like to take this opportunity to thank Roger Withers for his tremendous contribution to Sportech over the last six years. Throughout his tenure as Chairman he has provided the Board with fine leadership and wise counsel. On behalf of the Board, I would like to wish him well for his retirement”.
Roger Withers, Sportech’s Chairman said “I have thoroughly enjoyed my time as Chairman of Sportech and am delighted to be leaving the Company in great shape. I would like to express my appreciation of the excellent job done by Ian Penrose in leading the transformation of the Group over the last few years. It has been a pleasure to work with him.
I have been very impressed with Richard’s contribution to the Board during his eight months with us and I am delighted that he will Chair Sportech through the next stage in its development. We will spend the next few weeks ensuring there is an orderly handover and transition”.