Spanish iGaming market grows to €121.3m
The Spanish DGOJ (Dirección General de Ordenación del Juego), the Spanish Game Controller, has published the quarterly online gaming report for April-June 2017.
The report shows that gross revenue in the second quarter was 121,280 million euros , A decrease of 4.51% over the previous quarter and an increase of 22.6% compared to the second quarter of 2016.
The total amount of deposits in the quarter was 368,490 mln (+ 4.01% on the previous quarter and 4.01% 27.25% over the same period last year). Trader advertising expense was € 25,030,000, recording a decline of 14.1% and 15.89% over the previous quarter. Compared with the previous quarter, gross deposits declined in betting (-14.91%) and poker (-4.82%), While there was a positive sign for casinos (+ 14.50%), bingo (+ 3%) and competitions (2.75%). The number of active users in the second quarter of 2017 is 646,475 (+ 0.98% in Q1 and + 6.95% over the same quarter of 2016).