Coljuegos generates COP500bn for health sector

Business News

During the Rendering of Accounts of Coljuegos, regulator and administrator of games of chance in Colombia, the entity revealed that between July 2016 and the first half of 2017 transfers for national games for the sector Health went from 394.18 billion pesos to 500.63 billion pesos, which means an increase of 27 percent. In detail, the Fosyga was paid 264,067 million pesos; To Fonpet, 118,129 million; To Local Health Funds, 83,181 million; To Colciencias, 25,335 million and Departmental Health Funds, 9,919 million.

– Transfers for operating rights increased 27% to $ 500,630 million.
– 95% of the authorized machines operating in Colombia are connected in line with Coljuegos.
– By June 2017, 80 illegal gambling websites have been blocked and in the next days another 245 will be added.

The president of the entity, Juan B. Pérez Hidalgo, explained that these transfers to the health of Colombians were possible thanks to the Good behavior of the new games like Baloto and Superastro and of the localized like casinos and bingos.”It should be remembered that through the operation of games of chance, entrepreneurs pay exploitation rights that in the last year registered a substantial increase after reaching 95 percent of the connection online. That accomplishment allowed us efficiency in the collection from its implementation ” affirmed the president.

One of the priorities of Coljuegos has also been the largest growth of the gambling industry in Colombia. For that reason, the National Council of Games of Chance and Azar was accompanied in the elaboration of a plan of strengthening of the chance and the lotteries in all the country. While on the one hand additional prizes were created for the lotteries and the internal redistribution of the prizes plan was allowed to encourage the greater purchase of this product, on the other hand a new prize scheme was created for the chance, as well as a tool for The dynamization of the game and the operation through the Internet. “These adjustments have allowed this year 17 people have won the biggest prizes of the lotteries and that 1.5 million people will win the chance,” said Pérez Hidalgo.

From the perspective of online games , Colombia became the first Latin American country to create a regulation in this regard. Today, the first authorized company is operating and four more are expected to be added in the coming months. Additionally, 80 illegal web pages were blocked and another 240 are being blocked. “We have generated protocols with the National Police and the ICT Ministry to block pages that offer games without being authorized and we are holding meetings with the financial sector to Promote greater inclusion of the sector, access to payment gateways and we have been present in the Committee of Compliance Officers of Asobancaria to explain the guarantees on money laundering “, Added the president of Coljuegos from the auditorium of the Ministry of Finance.

Other achievements that stood out during the Accountability of Coljuegos have to do with the increase of 11 percent of the requests of operation of games located in the last year, going from 430 to 500. Likewise, the substantial reduction in The response times for this same sector line that went from 31 to 16 days in averages.