Raketech report strong first-quarter results

Business News

Total revenues amounted to EUR 8.7 million (EUR 4.9 million) representing an increase of 78.2%. Total revenues include other non-operating income of EUR 2.3 million (nil) related to a waived liability regarding one related party during the quarter which is recognised as other income. Revenues excluding other income increased by 31.6% to EUR 6.5 million (EUR 4.9 million).

”The beginning of the year has been characterised by the ongoing stabilisation phase in the Swedish gaming market, following the introduction of the new gambling legislation in January 2019. I am therefore happy to announce that we are delivering a good quarter and that we maintain our focus on organic growth and geographical expansion.

Revenues increased by 32 per cent compared to the first quarter of 2018, amounting to EUR 6.5 million. Adjusted EBITDA increased by 38 per cent to EUR 3.5 million, corresponding to a margin of 54 per cent. Organic growth amounted to 22 per cent of the revenues, and the key driver for this growth is higher traffic volumes, especially for our casino products and our TV sports guides.

While maintaining our position as a market leader in Sweden, we are simultaneously increasing our focus on geographical expansion. We have global ambitions and prioritise markets that are important to our partners, the gaming operators. As such, we are further strengthening our organisation for future expansion, both in terms of employees and technical platforms.

We are committed to creating sustainable growth across all of our markets current as well as future markets. I am confident in our ability to continue strengthening Raketech’s position as a leading affiliate with innovative and responsible services high on the agenda.” Commented CEO Michael Holmberg,