Swedish Gambling Regulator fines four operators


The Swedish Gaming Inspectorate ( Spelinspektionen  ) has issued four fines totalling SEK20.1m.

The Gaming Inspectorate found in its supervision that four licensees have violated the legislation.

According to the Gaming Inspectorate’s assessment, the provision of betting on events or events where the predominant proportion of players are under the age of 18 poses a direct danger that minors are at risk of being impacted by manipulating results, which in turn leads to negative consequences of gambling.

ComeOn Sweden Ltd warning and a penalty fee of SEK 6,000,000. 
Licensed to sites comeon.com, comeon.se.

Hajper Ltd, warning and a penalty fee of SEK 4,500,000. 
Licensed to sites hajper.com.

Legolas Invest Ltd, warning and a penalty fee of SEK 100,000 
Have a license for websites legolas.bet mobile.legolas.bet.

Faster Ltd, warning and a penalty fee of SEK 9,500,000 
Have a license for websites faster.com.

In connection with the Gaming Inspection’s review, the gaming companies have taken various measures to ensure that future betting takes place according to the Gaming Act, for example by not offering games on U19 and U21 series.

The Gaming Inspectorate is working to develop regulations on possible bans or restrictions on games or events in competitions, or other measures to combat manipulation of sports results. The regulations are expected to enter into force at the beginning of next year.