Gaming Realms launches gaming content in Michigan

Games Integrations

Gaming Realms has announced that, having received its provisional supplier license earlier this year, it has now launched its Slingo Originals content in Michigan, U.S.A. with BetMGM.

BetMGM is a leading sports-betting and online gaming operator in the U.S. and, as of May 2021, is the market leader of the iGaming market in Michigan.

Under the terms of the direct integration agreement between BetMGM and the Company, BetMGM has launched with an initial three Slingo games, with more games scheduled to follow shortly.

The Company has also signed agreements for Michigan with a number of other leading operators in the market, and its full portfolio of Slingo Originals games is set to go live in Michigan over the coming weeks.

Michael Buckley, Executive Chairman of Gaming Realms, commented: ‘We are delighted to be launching our Slingo games in Michigan, our second U.S. state, as we continue to increase our presence in the U.S. and capitalise on the expanding U.S. iGaming market.

BetMGM is a leading operator which has been successfully distributing our Slingo portfolio to the New Jersey iGaming market for some time. With further agreements signed with some of the largest operators in the U.S., our full suite of Slingo games will be released to the Michigan iGaming market soon, and we look forward to providing further updates in due course.’