Former professional cricket player Ryan Davies receives suspended ban for gambling


Former county cricketer Ryan Davies has received a six-month suspended ban after an investigation by the ECB.

Davies, who has not played first-class cricket since 2018, admitted to charges relating to a series of bets that he placed on cricket matches between 2015 and 2020. Davies placed a total of 181 bets, which breached Article 2.2.1 of the relevant ECB Anti-Corruption Codes that were in place at the time.

Under Article 5.1.12 of the ECB Anti-Corruption Code, the ECB’s sanction was agreed by Davies and then ratified by the Chair of the independent Cricket Discipline Commission.

The sanction took into account several mitigating factors, including that Davies admitted the charges when he was first contacted by the ECB, has shown remorse and contrition throughout the investigation process and that none of the bets related to matches in which he played. Davies was also suffering from a severe gambling disorder at the time of the relevant offences. He has sought professional help with his disorder and has confirmed that he is no longer gambling.

Davies’ six-month ban is suspended for two years (commencing on 6 May 2022). The period of suspension would only be activated if Davies returns to first-class cricket, and will therefore not impact his involvement with recreational cricket, and would only be triggered if he committed a further offence under the ECB Anti-Corruption Code during that period.