Holland Casino generates online revenue of €82.8m

Finance News

Holland Casino closes the first six months of 2022 with a turnover of 353.4 million euros, of which 82.8 million euros for Holland Casino Online. 

The EBITDA is 40 million euros. The result before corporation tax in the first half of this year is 8.2 million euros. This result was achieved despite the fact that we were still confronted with significant corona restrictions in the first two months of this year.

Holland Casino repaid 51.7 million euros of the tax debt accrued as a result of corona. The permitted tax deferral up to and including March 2022 includes a total of 313.4 million euros. 

Ruud Bergervoet, Chief Financial Officer: “We are making a profit again and are in good financial shape. The deferred tax will be repaid in a maximum of sixty installments from October. We are also looking at whether it is possible and responsible to do this more quickly without jeopardizing the further financial recovery of Holland Casino without losing sight of the normal investment level.”

Noël Leise, Director of Operations: “Fortunately, our loyal guests have found Holland Casino again en masse. And our committed employees do everything they can to ensure that they have a great time at Holland Casino. We also see that our online guests continue to appreciate our offer despite the increasing competition. We therefore expect a positive year for Holland Casino. Of course, that still depends on the corona developments in the autumn and how quickly we can have enough employees in the tight labor market. But these half-year figures again form a promising basis. In the coming six months, we will continue to build a stable, responsible and future-proof company with renewed energy.”