WorldMatch Standing Out From The Crowd

Andrea Boratto CEO of WorldMatch.
How does WorldMatch prefer to work with operators and what do you see as a successful supplier relationship?
For us it’s important to build real relationships. We get to know the customer, its players, and together we choose the products that suit best the needs and strategies of the operator.
These plans and strategies can change according to the time of the year, the market, how competitors move in the market and many other dynamics.
We are flexible in the management of different types of promotions, we offer great variety of products and game mathematics, so that operators can always count on the right product at the right time for every type of market and player.
More and more often we find in operators remarkable skills in terms of marketing, but there’s a little struggle when it comes to understanding the gaming products offered by the suppliers. And this, obviously is due to the large number of new games hitting the casino managers’ desks every month. That is also one of the main reasons why we like to have an active and close collaboration role with the customer in choosing which products to push.
When pushing the products there are risks, such as the supermarket logic. Some games and their logic require additional efforts from various casino managers, from this point of view the collaboration with a gaming provider such as WorldMatch, which thanks to twenty years of experience in the business and thanks to the relationship of trust that is built over the years, eases the selection activity. We’re an active part of the process and we think that mutual cooperation is necessary for a successful relationship.
What are the advantages of your games? How do you achieve player loyalty?
Player loyalty is achieved by choosing the products correctly, based on the operator’s customers. This guarantees better retention, more fun for the player and a lifetime value in the medium to long term. Knowing the players and shaping the games around them will always be more advantageous also for the operator itself.
In the last few years, we sped up the releasing process and the certifications of products that were tied to land-based gambling, we released innovative products and experimented with our knowledge and tools to create brand new slots.
One our most successful products has been and still is to this day is SlotBAR®. Which is the brand that identifies the online games born from the partnership between WorldMatch and the most important producers of AWP and VLT games for the Italian market.
These online slots maintain the same look and feel of the original land-based versions. These titles have been famous in the VLT market for years and now they’re available everywhere, online.
Our timing with the launch of SlotBAR® benefited us. We launched them during covid lockdowns, when the land-based players turned to the online side of gaming.
Recognition increases the player’s confidence in the product and it benefits the retention.
We also have a promo calendar, with network promos that with the cooperation of the operators keep the attention of the players focused on WorldMatch’s products.
The presence of the Jackpot and in particular the network Jackpot is another element that increases player loyalty. These are different types of jackpots that have very different drop rates from each other, it is not the classic jackpot that the players do see on the display but are never able to win.

Please share your opinion about the reasons for WorldMatch’s success? Why did you manage to achieve what you have achieved?
We’ve been on the market for over 20 years, we put speed and energy aimed at entering the new regulated markets. Our slot portfolio is surely one of the main reasons of our success. Our games are written from scratch, we keep experimenting with new games mechanics, we never repeat ourselves.
We have a vast offer of games, we always launch innovative products, some of these will be released during this month, and they are never-seen-before bombshells. We study and evolve our games even in terms of languages and supported currencies.
WorldMatch is always focused on the long term and we keep seeing the rewards on what we do.
Standing out in a market so saturated with gaming products and services is a real victory. From your perspective, what aspect of the gambling sector has enabled WorldMatch to start making waves and creating industry trends?
Our key to success is our long-standing relationship with customers. We were on the market when the product was presented to customers almost every month. There were not hundreds of new titles but dozens and it was possible to present them, recount them verbally and in person to customers. This has created relationships of trust between companies and people that today are a great value for us and probably tougher to consolidate for the new providers that have only arrived on the market in recent years.

Game themes are quite an interesting topic. Given the tremendous number of products that are already on the market, how do you invent a theme that will be exceptional?
The products must change because the players are changing. We witness it every day, but each provider will have to interpret this change in its own way, trying to satisfy the new trends and avoiding to offer on the market products and strategies already proposed by other providers.
We are facing a generational change and some important variations in the spending power of the players.
We are releasing new games that will join the classic slots and on which we’re expecting a lot from.
But let’s be clear, slots will keep being significant products for traditional players and those with a greater propensity to risk, but we cannot fail to consider that many new players come from contexts such as social games or even skill games and betting, to which the traditional slot probably doesn’t provide the right attraction.
We cannot reveal the details but starting in November we will begin releasing products that have never been seen on gambling sites before. We are confident that they will be able to get us a slice of passionate players, or players who would hardly play table games or slot machines.
Can you share any details regarding games in the pipeline?
Our collaboration with the most important terrestrial slot producers will continue to enrich the slot bar offer. Alongside the classic production, four completely new games will be released and certified in terms of type and concept. The releases will be in line with the production of 2022, during which an average of three new games have been released per month. WorldMatch is ready to launch brand-new products, complete novelties in igaming in Q4/2022.

What makes you extra proud of your games?
We’re proud of the fact that our products are played all over the world and that the entire development process is carried out in the company, from conception, to creativity, to mathematics, to the promotions to launch the products.
The WorldMatch team is made up of fantastic people with great expertise gained on the field. This reflects in the modernity of the products and on the passion, we put into our work every day.