UEFA anti-match-fixing working group launches


Through joint efforts with its national associations, clubs, other sporting governing bodies and national and international authorities, UEFA is increasing the focus on competition integrity by introducing a new course in the field of anti-match-fixing.

Building on its longstanding integrity work, UEFA has recently launched Fight the Fix (FTF), a new academic education programme tackling match-fixing issues in sport. Organised in collaboration with the University of Lausanne’s (UNIL) School of Criminal Justice, the programme helps national association’s integrity officers and representatives of institutions involved in fighting match-fixing to deep dive into each essential aspect of the fight: detection, intelligence, prosecution. 

Fight the Fix, which staged its first sessions last week, provides participants with intelligence-gathering and investigation skills needed to successfully identify, investigate and prosecute match-fixing cases. It focuses on hands-on practice, with participants solving a fictitious match-fixing case, following the full intelligence and investigation process from identification to prosecution before a final moot court simulating sports arbitration proceeding.