GIG reports €36.2m in Q1 revenue

Finance News

GiG reported revenues (GiG Media) at all-time high of €28.0m (18.4), an increase of 52% (21% organic), with an EBITDA of €13.5 (8.0).

The group, including Platform & Sportsbook achieved all-time high revenues amounting to €36.2m (28.4), an increase of 28% YoY.

AskGamblers continued positive momentum, with record traffic, players generated, revenue and EBITDA. Platform & Sportsbook signed eight new agreements and HoTs in Q1-24, and ten brands went live so far in 2024. Existing customers on the platform add up to a total of 67 brands, with an additional integration pipeline of 18 brands as of today

The business is operationaly ready for the strategic split of Media and Platform & Sportsbook. The split is expected by Q3 2024, pending approvals.