LOTTO Bayern reports record first-quarter revenue


“Bavaria’s players have never been so lucky in the first half of the year,” says Claus Niederalt. The President of the State Lottery and Casino Administration is delighted with 16 game orders that generated millions in winnings with LOTTO Bayern’s lottery offer within the first half of 2024.

A total of over 314 million euros were paid out to the players. That is ten million more than in the first half of 2023.

Two very high million-dollar winnings in particular crowned a positive first half of 2024 for LOTTO Bayern players. At around 48.6 million euros, the highest win ever paid out in LOTTO 6aus49 went to a pensioner from Middle Franconia on January 3rd. In February, a Eurojackpot game order placed in Lower Franconia achieved a fantastically high winning sum of over 63.2 million euros.
“We can also be very satisfied with the first half of 2024 with 73 six-figure big wins and a 3.1 percent increase in sales in the LOTTO Bayern division,” said President Niederalt, commenting on the half-year figures of the state-owned gaming provider in Bavaria.
Big winners in the first half of 2024 at LOTTO Bayern. Photo: SLSV
“The card of luck”. Click on the image for the motif in 300 dpi size. The graphic can be used free of charge with the source “State Lottery and Casino Administration”.
President Niederalt is also positive about the Bavarian casinos’ balance sheet for the first half of 2024: “With stable gross gaming revenue and a slightly increased number of visitors, the positive trend from 2023 continues.”

The nine Bavarian casinos welcomed over 334,000 guests across Bavaria, with gross gaming revenue amounting to around 59.9 million euros in the first six months of 2024. In the same period in 2023, there were just under 330,000 guests and gross gaming revenue of 60.3 million euros.

With a total turnover of the State Lottery and Casino Administration of around 642 million euros (first half of 2023: around 622.6 million euros), just under 243 million euros (2023: just under 217 million euros) in lottery and sports betting tax, profit transfer and casino levy for charitable purposes will flow into the Bavarian state treasury. These funds enable additional services, particularly in the areas of sports promotion, cultural promotion, monument preservation and other public areas, which would otherwise not be possible or would only be possible with difficulty. They therefore benefit all citizens of the Free State.