Norsk Tipping implements lower loss limits for younger players

Responsible Gambling

From 1 February, Norsk Tipping lowers the maximum limit for how much money players aged 20 to 24 can lose on games with us.

In 2023, we lowered the maximum loss limit for players between the ages of 18 and 20 to NOK 2,000 per monh. We are now lowering the limit for players from 20 to 24 years old, and the new limits will be as follows: Age group, Max loss per month 20-21 years NOK 3,000. 22-24 years NOK 5,000.

Few or no national gambling markets in the world protect customers better against gambling problems than the Norwegian one. Still, there is more to do.

The figures show that we must protect young adults better. Statistics from both the University of Bergen and the Helpline for gambling addicts show that young adults are more vulnerable to developing gambling problems than older people. Measurements carried out by Norsk Tipping have shown that one in five men between the ages of 18 and 25 are in the risk zone.

Young people generally have more vulnerable finances than older people, and higher living costs generally increase this vulnerability. Young people thus get into trouble more quickly if the losses are many and large.

When we also see that the number of young people who seek out casino games is increasing, it gives cause for concern. It is therefore appropriate to lower the loss limits for the most vulnerable age groups now.

The most important accountability measure is that the players themselves must set their own limits before playing, and on average the players set their limit at NOK 3,600 per month. For those who cannot limit themselves, the maximum loss limit is an important safety net.

When this limit is lowered, it will contribute to the prevention of problem gambling and it will limit damage for those who nevertheless have problems, says head of responsible gambling, Bjørn Helge Hoffmann in Norsk Tipping. The maximum loss limit for players aged 25 and over is NOK 20,000 per month. High-risk games, such as online casinos and slot machines, have lower stake limits.